1. Best Digital Government Service

  1. Innovation and Service Development
  2. Use of Technology and Governance
  3. User Experience
  4. Performance and Impact


2. Best Use of AI

  1. Governance and Management
  2. Target Group of Service/Product
  3. Impact on Society/Performance and Impact
  4. Sustainability


3. Best Open Data Initiative

  1. Beneficiaries of Open Data
  2. Data-based Services/Products
  3. Availability, Accessibility and Up-to-Date Data
  4. Data Quality


4. Best Digital Inclusion Initiative

  1. Quality of the Target Groups in the Initiative
  2. Impact and Beneficiary Experience
  3. Awareness and Education
  4. Service Channels


5. Best Community E-Participation

  1. Diversity of community participation channels;
  2. Involvement of various community groups;
  3. Creation of a legislative environment that stimulates community participation; and
  4. Impact on society.


6. Best Women Digital Empowerment Initiative

  1. Initiative's strategy and objectives;
  2. Leadership training programs;
  3. New opportunities to empower women; and
  4. Shadowing & swapping.